“Human beings are essentially born creative–from infancy on we find innovative ways to negotiate life. The most creative people find ways around obstacles because they see them not just as roadblocks but also as opportunities.  We often think about creativity as making something, but in fact the root meaning of the word means ‘to grow’. When we are creative we feel as if the world and all that is in it is vibrantly alive. Creativity’s by-products are some of the major achievements of civilization–from the invention of the wheel to Mozart’s sonatas.” (1)
At Cliffart Studios, our focus is to infuse creativity into the learning process.  Our approach uses video and real life screen shots as a method of making content more interesting and relevant to real life.  CliffArt Studios understands that creativity fuels excitement of learning and allows us to develop content and curriculum that is engaging.

The Generation of Cliffart Studios approach provides opportunities for students to become competent users of technology in Logo making, T-Shirt and Graphic designing, to collaborate by finding solutions together in groups and in pairs, in the classroom and in the community. Our lessons use creativity to engage students and challenge them in the new venue, namely Design in technology. The lessons focus on building knowledge and implementing strategies, which require students to use critical thinking skills, while providing them with the opportunities to reflect upon problem solving in a creative way. By using various simple software. students will increase their intelligence, higher level thinking skills, reflective thought processes and will have a better advantage of achieving success in today’s world.
The hard work pays when we put in much efforts


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